Recovery Center Banner
Manage Your MyHUgo Password

Follow the steps to change or reset your password. Do not use the Back/Forward buttons on your browser if you need to move back and forth. Instead, use the Previous/Next buttons found on the main page.

Your password needs to contain FOUR different character sets (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols) and be at least eight characters long. Student must change their passwords every 120 days, employees every 60 days.

Welcome to the MyHUgo Password Management Center

Use the MyHUgo Password Recovery Center to reset your password if you forget it, or to perform a regular password change. You can do all of this on your own without calling the help desk!
Click the "Next" button to start using the Recovery Center.

NOTE: In order to utilize the "Reset by SMS (Text Message)" feature, you MUST have a cell phone on file in Self-Service. Updates to your user profile in Self-Service should be reflected in the password reset system within 2-4 hours.